New Passo a Passo Mapa Para principios do estoicismo

Stoic theology is a fatalistic and naturalistic pantheism: God is never fully transcendent but always immanent, and identified with Nature. Abrahamic religions personalize God as a world-creating entity, but Stoicism equates God with the totality of the universe; according to Stoic cosmology, which is very similar to the Hindu conception of existence, there is no absolute start to time, as it is considered infinite and cyclic.

. Pelo se puede tener control Acerca todo lo que sucede pero sí A cerca de cómo reaccionamos ante las cosas o cómo nos acercamos a ellas. Existen 4 principios cardinales:

Um jeito que me ajudou a ganhar uma perspectiva melhor em tais como me vejo e especialmente em saiba como vejo ESTES outros. Várias vizinhos podem vir a mostrar isso por “estoicismo”.

A distinctive feature of Stoicism is its cosmopolitanism; according to the Stoics, all people are manifestations of the one universal spirit and should live in brotherly love and readily help one another. In the Discourses, Epictetus comments on man's relationship with the world: "Each human being is primarily a citizen of his own commonwealth; but he is also a member of the great city of gods and men, whereof the city political is only a copy.

When most people think of “philosophy,” their eyes glaze over. It’s the last thing they want, let alone something they need.

For nothing is so productive of elevation of mind as to be able to examine methodically and truly every object that is presented to you in life, and always to look at things so as to see at the same time what kind of universe this is, and what kind of use everything performs in it, and what value everything has with reference to the whole. ”

The Stoics provided a unified account of the world, consisting of formal logic, monistic physics and naturalistic ethics. Of these, they emphasized ethics as the main focus of human knowledge, though their logical theories were of more interest for later philosophers.

The modern day philosopher and writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb defines a Stoic as someone who, “transforms fear into prudence, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation and desire into undertaking.”

La teología estoica es panteísta: no hay un Dios fuera de la naturaleza o del mundo; es el mismo mundo en su totalidad el qual es divino, lo que justifica que la creencia en los dioses, pese a su heterogeneidad, sea universal.

” And he sees his invective as justified—in sure Stoic fashion—not on theoretical grounds, but on practical ones: “[35] We could give adulterers grounds for rationalizing their behavior; such arguments could provide pretexts fonte utilizada to misappropriate state funds; a rebellious young man could be emboldened further to rebel against his parents. So what, according to you, is good or bad, virtuous or vicious—this or that?”

The idea was to be free of suffering through apatheia (Greek: ἀπάθεια; literally, "without passion") or peace of mind,[28] where peace of mind was understood in the ancient sense—being objective or having "clear judgment" and the maintenance of equanimity in the face of life's highs and lows.

Es en o contexto en el cual los filósofos por Helenismo ven la necesidad do proponer nuevos valores morales que permitan a los individuos vivir por la mejor manera posible y encontrar su rumbo en medio del caos de que podría representar esa mezcla con otros pueblos; los cuales también tenían sus valores, creencias y cultura.

Already know all of this? Do you want more advanced material? We recommend heading to our glossary of Stoicism terms and reading our post on the 28 books on Stoicism you need to read to advance your knowledge.

Cosmic conflagrations, for the Stoics, repeat themselves in exact manner, apparently because God/Nature laid out things in the best possible way the previous time around, and there is therefore no reason to change (though one would get the same outcome from an entirely deterministic causal model of the universe). It is interesting to muse about the fact that some modern cosmological models also predict either identical or varied recurring universes (Ungerer and Smolin 2014), but of course do away with the concept of Providence altogether.

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